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翻译服务规范 第2部分:口译

标准编号:GB/T 19363.2-2006E 标准状态:现行
标准价格:30.0 客户评分:星星星星1
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This part of GB/T 19363 defines the work process and relevant specifications for interpretation serv-ices provided by an interpretation service provider.
It applies to interpretation services.
英文名称:  Specification for Translation Service—Part 2:Interpretation
什么是中标分类? 中标分类:  综合>>经济、文化>>A14图书馆、档案、文献与情报工作
什么是ICS分类?  ICS分类:  社会学、 服务、公司(企业)的组织和管理、行政、运输>>服务>>03.080.01服务综合
发布部门:  General Administration of Quality Supervision,Inspection and Quarantine of the Peoples Republic of China Standardization Administration of the Peoples Republic of China
发布日期:  2006-09-04
实施日期:  2006-12-01
复审日期:  2023-12-28
起草单位:  China Association for Standardization
起草人:  Mr.Zhang Ciyun,Mr.Huang Youyi,Mr.ChaiMingjiong,Mr.Wang Peng,Ms.Zhang Jingjing,Mr.Yang Ziqiang,Mr.Chen Zhongliang and Mr.Xia Yi
页数:  16页
出版社:  中国标准出版社
出版日期:  2006-12-01
相关搜索: 翻译服务规范  [ 评论 ][ 关闭 ]
GB/T 19363 Specification for Translation Service currently consists of the following two parts:
This is the second part of GB/T 19363.
It was proposed by the Translation Service Committee of the Translators Association of China,the Shanghai Municipal Information Office and the China Association for Standardization.
It is under charge of the China Association for Standardization.
It was prepared by the Translation Service Committee of the Translators Association of China,the Shanghai Municipal Information Office,the Shanghai TranslatorsAssociation,the China Translation and Publishing Corporation,the Shanghai Oriental Translation Center Co.,Ltd.and the China Association for Standardization.
The principal drafters of this Specification are Mr.Zhang Ciyun,Mr.Huang Youyi,Mr.Chai Mingjiong,Mr.Wang peng,Ms.Zhang Jingjing,Mr.Yang Ziqiang,Mr.Chen Zhongliang and Mr.Xia Yi.
The following normative documents contain provisions which,through reference in this text,con-stitute provisions of this part.For dated references,subsequent amendments to(excluding correc-tions),or revisions of ,any of these publications do not apply.However,parties to agreements based on this part are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below.For undated references,the latest edition of the norm-ative document referred to applies.
GB/T 19000-2000 Quality management system—Fundamentals and vocabulary(idt ISO 9000:2000)
ISO 2603:1998 Booths for sinmulataneous interpretation—General characteristics and equipment
ISO 4043:1998 Mobile booths for simultaneous interpretation—General characteristics and equipment

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